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I grew up in the clay villages of Cornwall. I experienced the environment, the process of the mining industry and the importance of the area to the economy, I also saw how the industry alters the landscape. Relocation from the West Midlands to Cornwall highlighted the differences in the landscapes and from an early age I was interested in what was happening there.


In Stafford, we lived close to Stafford Castle, it was not uncommon to unearth pieces of pottery from beneath the soil in the garden. In Cornwall it was different. Pottery wasn't a common occurrence while gardening, but large pieces of granite and other minerals were. This, alongside white rivers during particularly rainy times showed just how different the land was.


Living within close proximity to the Blackpool pit in the St Austell area gave an insight to the industry which felt disassociated and blocked by imposing spoil heaps which screened activity from the every day. White trails on the roads from the transport of clay by lorry, imposing and 'unnatural' clay works and machinery, visual disruptions of unusual formations of the land which seemed alien to many who visited the region.




Foxhole - acrylic sheet, wool, cotton warp.

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